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About CB2 Coupons, Deals & Cash Back

Crate and Barrel created CB2 as a destination for community, to help others and to find affordable, quality, modern decor pieces for your home. CB2 offers simple, elegant and edgy home furnishings and decor pieces for every room in your home as well as your outdoor space. Virtually meet the organization’s designers and artists, check out the Lookbook catalog, see the latest decorating trends, read the blog for the latest information and share images of your own living space and the CB2 products that enhance your modern lifestyle. Do you have a big event coming up in your life? Create a CB2 gift registry and share it with friends and family members to help you celebrate the event.

Whether you’re decorating your own living space or choosing an amazing gift for a loved one, be sure to visit Rakuten to get Cash Back before heading over to CB2.com. That way, whether you’re shopping for furniture, throw pillows or wallpaper, you know you’re saving money and adding to the amount you’re going to receive when you get your quarterly Big Fat Check. CB2 is your access to tasteful decor for your office, home and outdoor space.

Do you need some storage items to help you keep your home organized and looking its best? CB2 offers a storage collection that includes furniture with drawers and cubbyholes, wall-mounted pieces like shelves and hooks, decorative baskets, trash bins and storage boxes that stack neatly in your closet. Use CB2 coupon codes from Rakuten to maximize your savings and Cash Back for a triple win that includes a more organized lifestyle, savings when buying and money back from Rakuten four times a year.

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19 Reviews

Ling-Lin Pai

Easy to use and good cash back discount for the purchase! I wish that the CB2 ca...

David Tomasello

It's great to get cashback..I went to cb2 physical store because of Rakuten..Oth...

Julie Larson

Great to get cash back, and the button on my toolbar makes it easy. Yay!

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